What type are you?

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What type are you?

seriál :: Language corner

If you were caught in a traffic jam, would you get annoyed and honk your horn, or would you sit calmly and wait? Your reaction may indicate whether your personality is “Type A” or “Type B”.

Type A people” are usually in a hurry and dislike waiting. They take on a lot of responsibilities and impose strict deadlines for their completion. To keep pace with this busy schedule, they may move, talk, and even eat quickly. They often overreact to minor difficulties, becoming angry or worried easily. Relaxation does not come naturally to them. They frequently miss meals, work late and bring work home with them. Moreover, their household and social obligations tend to be numerous. Their lives are filled with activity and anxiety.

Type B people”, on the other hand, are easygoing and rarely upset by delay or inconvenience. Their pace is slower and their schedules are more flexible. Less prone to anger and anxiety, they cope better with pressure. They take a more casual attitude toward work, putting it aside at lunchtime and leaving it behind when the day is over. They enjoy free time, using it for rest and activities they find pleasurable. Their lives are relaxed and quiet.

Both personalities have advantages. Determined to succeed, the ambitious “Type A” often excels professionally, gaining status and material rewards. Unfortunately, his success is often at the expense of family harmony and personal health, especially heart disease. The placid Type B”, however, tends to be protected from stress, and less susceptible to heart disease and emotional trauma. Most people are a combination of both types.

Which type are you?

anger = zlost, hněv, zuřivost
anxiety = starost, úzkost, stress, neklid, strach
attitude = postoj, postavení
casual = náhodný, přibližný, nahodilý
completion = dokončení, splnění, dohotovení, uskutečnění
cope with = zvládat, poradit si s, vyrovnat se s
deadline = termín, lhůta, nejzazší mez
delay = zpoždění
easygoing = bezproblémový, bezstrostný, lehkomyslný, dobrácký, tolerantní, lehkovážný, lajdácký, líný, nedbalý
gain = vyhrát, získat, vydělat
get annoyed = nahněvat se
honk one´s horn = zatroubit
household = domácnost
impose = uložit, vzít si za povinnost
inconvenience = potíž, obtíž, nepohodlí, nesnáz
leave behind = zanechat, zapomenout, (za)nechat
obligation = závazek, povinnost
overreact = dramatizovat
pace = tempo, krok
placid = klidný, mírný, tichý
pleasurable = příjemný, libý, rozkošný
pressure = tlak, tíseň, nesnáze
prone = náchylný
put aside = odložit, posunout, dát stranou
rarely = zřídka
rest = odpočinek
reward = prospěch, odměna
status = postavení
strict = přísný, striktní
success = úspěch
susceptible = citlivý, vnímavý, náchylný
take on = brát na sebe nějakou povinnost, zaměstnat
tend to = inklinovat, směřovat k
traffic jam = dopravní zácpa
upset = naštvaný, rozrušený
whether = zda

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