A variety of cross cultural communication problems can arise not only at schools; you can find them in today´s world almost everywhere. This might be also why the wars and battles occure. Problems often result from misunderstandings and conflicts are evoked between people who are obeying different culturally based communication rules.
We all are distinguished and united by differences and similarities according to gender, age, language, culture, race, sexual identity, and income level - just to name a few. Such diversity challenges our intellect and emotions as we learn to work and live together in harmony.
Problems usually arise when cultures are mixed and when ideologies let people darken their mind! There are absurd misunderdings and needles bloody struggles between people in nowadays life. We should more think of other people and prevent differences in opinion and don´t be pulled down by prejudice again minorities, people with other color of skin or with other belief.
The communication across cultures is very important and if we don´t want to suffer from future eyeball confrontation and conflicts we are obliged to listen to others.
Each culture consists of various aspects, which mutually seek and meet each other and if we want to try to understand other people, it is sometimes necessary to give up our habits and to learn to control our own self to could create friendship, solidarity, respect and reciprocal recognition.
If people want to understand each other, they cannot discriminate some nationalities, language or religion. They have to create a sort of a “bridge” among people from all over the world and search a common language that could help in the process of convergence among all of various nations and cultures and also to strike up new friendships among people from the whole world.
among = mezi
alike = podobný, podobně, stejný
arise = nastat, vyskytnout se, vzejít, vyplývat, vzniknout
battle = bitva, boj
belief = víra
bloody = krvavý
common = společný, běžný, obyčejný
convergence = sbližování
cross cultural communication = kumunikace napříč kulturami, multikulturální
challenge = vyzvat, vybízet
darken = zatemnit
deal with = jednat, zacházet s
differences in opinion = neshody
distinguish = rozeznávat, rozpoznat, rozlišit, charakterizovat
diversity = rozmanitost, různorodost
eyeball confrontation = konflikt na ostří nože
evoke = vyvolat
gender = pohlaví
give up = obětovat, vzdát
habit = zvyk, obyčej
income = příjem
mind = mysl
minority = menšina
misunderstanding = nedorozumění
mutually = navzájem, společně
needles = zbytečný, nepotřebný
nowadays = v dnešní době
obey = řídit se, poslouchat, podrobit se, uposlechnout
occure = nastat, vyskytnout se
pull down = strhnout
prejudice = předsudek, zaujatost
prevent = předejít, zamezit, zabránit
race = rasa, rod
recognition = uznání, poznání
religion = náboženství
result = vyplývat, plynout
seek = hledat, vyhledávat
skin = pleť
sort of = druh
strike up = uzavřít, spustit, strhnout
struggle = boj, spor, šarvátka, potyčka
suffer from = trpět, strádat čím
thumbprint = otisk palce
whole = celý, celkový, celistvý, veškerý, úplný