As far as beaches are concerned, the
Of course the
It is a MUST to either snorkel or scuba dive while in the
Aside from the beaches, it is also fun to check out the straw markets where you can find some interesting things, most of which is hand-made, at cheap prices. Always remember to barter since everyone jacks up the prices in tourist areas (or simply if you look like a tourist). There are also several very nice casinos.
If you want to get a true feel of the island, travel to the west or east ends, or even farther inland. For photography buffs, and I hope yourselves included, the communities, and people within them, scattered throughout the island are great to check out and they convey a true sense of island life.
as far as…concerned = co se týká, pokud jde o
barter = handlovat
buff = nadšenec
check out = vyzkoušet
convey = sdělovat, zprostředkovávat
coral reef = korálový útes
endless = nekonečný
hiking = pěší turistika
inland = ve vnitrozemí
jack up = zvednout
jet skiing = lyžování na vodě na malém skútru
parasailing = plachtění na vodě s malým padáčkem
related = související
scattered = rozptýlený, rozprášený
scuba diving = sportovní potápění
snorkeling = šnorchlování
stifling = dusno, dusný
straw market= “slaměný” trh
take aback = vyrazit dech, překvapit
turquoise = tyrkysový