Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. It is prepared from the roasted seeds - commonly referred to as beans - of the coffee plant. Those beans grow in the fruits of the coffee plant. There are usually two beans in each fruit and harvest must be done by hands.
The word coffee derives from the Arabic “qahwah”, a word that was originally used for wine, but which came to mean coffee. Coffee beans used to be chewed before it was discovered that they can be boiled with water and started to be considered as a drink.
Coffee drinking began in Arab countries already in the 14th century and did not become common in Europe till the 17th century. At first coffee was sold by chemists, then the first coffee shop opened and the essential instructions about how to roast and grind the coffee were published. The first coffee houses opened in London in 1652.
By the end of the 19th century, demand for coffee had grown and there were many plantations in tropical Africa. Today, the world ´s largest producer is Brazil – after arriving from French Guiana in the early 18th century, coffee quickly spread and thrived in Brazil. Today Brazil is responsible for about a third of all coffee production, making it by far the heavyweight champion of the coffee-producing world.
The word coffee derives from the Arabic “qahwah”, a word that was originally used for wine, but which came to mean coffee. Coffee beans used to be chewed before it was discovered that they can be boiled with water and started to be considered as a drink.
Coffee drinking began in Arab countries already in the 14th century and did not become common in Europe till the 17th century. At first coffee was sold by chemists, then the first coffee shop opened and the essential instructions about how to roast and grind the coffee were published. The first coffee houses opened in London in 1652.
By the end of the 19th century, demand for coffee had grown and there were many plantations in tropical Africa. Today, the world ´s largest producer is Brazil – after arriving from French Guiana in the early 18th century, coffee quickly spread and thrived in Brazil. Today Brazil is responsible for about a third of all coffee production, making it by far the heavyweight champion of the coffee-producing world.
Top Ten Coffee-Producing Countries:
1. Brazil
2. Colombia
3. Indonesia
4. Vietnam
5. Mexico
6. Ethiopia
7. India
8. Guatemala
9. Côte d’Ivoire
10. Uganda
according to = vzhledem k, dle čeho, podle, shodně s něčím
bean = bob, kakaové či kávové zrno, fazole
beverage = nápoj
common = běžný, obyčejný, častý
consider = vzít v úvahu, považovat
demand for = požadovat pro, požadavek, sháňka po, poptávka po
derive = odvozovat, pocházet
devil = ďábel, čert
essential = hlavní, základní, podstatný, nezbytný, neodmyslitelný, nevyhnutelný, nutný
grind = semlít, drtit, rozdrtit, rozmělnit
grow = růst, pěstovat
harvest = sklizeň
heavyweight champion = šampión těžké váhy
hell = peklo
chew = žvýkat, rozmělnit, rozdrtit, přežvykovat
plant = rostlina
pure = čistý
recipe = recept
referred to = uvedený, dotyčný
responsible for = odpovědný za
roast = pražit, opékat, péci
seed = zrno, semeno
spread = rozšířit
statesman = státník, politik
third = třetina
thrive = dařit se, prospívat, vzkvétat, bujet, vzrůstat
widely =široce/ko, dalece/ko, velmi, hodně, obecně