A good parent-child relationship cannot be built in a day, and parents have to take really a lot of time and energy. If you can be a good father, not only can you make your children grow up healthy and happy, you will also make your life more abundant. In modern society, to be a father is really an important duty. It is not easy to be able to "play hard", "earn a lot", as well as to form a parent-child relationship and raise the children together with your wife.
In order to create a deep parent-child relationship with our children, sometimes we have to learn a kind and humorous way of communication. To cultivate a parent-child relationship, it is really necessary to have enough time to get together in order to understand the needs of children. As a father in modern society, the way of teaching children is certainly different from that of the older generation. Nowadays, the community generally regards that one should bear in mind beliefs like "respect", "human rights", "equality" and "freedom" when communicating with your children. Therefore, "beating and scolding" and "corporal punishment" are already out of accord with the times. These ways of teaching cannot gain support, nor make the children accept the teaching, and may even cause hatred and confrontation, thus affecting your relationship with children. You can try to analyze the problem and principles with your children to form good communication, and to save enough "private space" for them under mutual trust and respect.
To be a good father in a relaxed and easy manner, you have to be more caring and easy to get close to. The father needs to keep company of his children and know every side of them in order to form a close relationship, can also show the tender side towards his children, participate more in the parent-child activities held by the children's schools so as to create more topics of talks of interest and also show more comfort and concern to your children.
I think each father will be loved by his children when he shows more admiration and acceptance and listens more to the views of children, in other words when he is open-minded; when he considers his role as a father, when shows support and love, spends time with his children and takes responsibility for them. And also, when he allows his kids to make some mistakes.
abundant = bohatý
acceptance = přijetí
admiration = obdiv
allow = dovolit
as well as = stejně tak jako
bear in mind = mít na paměti
beating = bití
belief = víra, důvěra, přesvědčení, názor, domněnka
caring = laskavý, láskyplný, dbající, lidský
consider = považovat, zamýšlet se, vzít v úvahu
corporal punishment= tělesné tresty
duty = povinnost
endless = nekonečný, ustavičný
equality = rovnost, rovnoprávnost
gain = zajistit, získat, vydělat
hatred = nenávist, zášť
manner = způsob
mutual = oboustranný, vzájemný
nor = ani
oftentimes = častokrát
out of accord = v rozporu, v nesouladu
pillar = pilíř, opora
raise = vychovat
regard = pohlížet
responsibility for = odpovědnost za
scolding = hubování, vynadání, pokárání, domluva, plísnění
strength = síla, pevnost
support = podpora, pomoc
tender side = křehkou stranu, něžnost, jemnost
thankless = nevděčný
therefore = proto, tedy, nicméně, tudíž
thus = tak, tedy, tím, čili
trust = důvěra, spoléhání, víra
well-adjusted = způsobný