Early Christians observed Easter on the same day as Passover (14-15 Nisan - a date governed by a lunar calendar). In the 2d century, the Christian celebration was transferred to the Sunday following the 14-15 Nisan, if that day fells on a weekday. Originally, the Christian Easter was a unitive celebration, but in the 4th century Good Friday became a separate commemoration of the death of Christ, and Easter was thereafter devoted exclusively to the resurrection. According to the Venerable Bede, the name Easter´s derived from the pagan spring festival of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, and many folk customs associated with Easter (for example, Easter eggs) are of pagan origin.
Easter Day is currently determined as the first Sunday after the full moon on or after March 21. The Eastern Orthodox churches, however, follow the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar, so their celebration usually falls several weeks later than the Western Easter. Easter is preceded by the period of preparation called Lent.
For Christians, Lent is a 40-day penitential period of prayer and fasting that precedes Easter. In the Western church, observance of Lent begins 6 1/2 weeks prior to Easter on Ash Wednesday; (Sundays are excluded). In the Eastern Church the period extends over 7 weeks because both Saturdays and Sundays are excluded. Formerly a severe fast was prescribed: only one full meal a day was allowed, and meat, fish, eggs, and milk products were forbidden. Today, however, prayer and works of charity are emphasized. Lent has been observed since the 4th century.
Ash Wednesday
In the Western church, Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and the seventh Wednesday before Easter. Its name comes from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of worshippers to symbolize death and sorrow for sin. In the Orthodox Church, Lent begins on a Monday rather than on Ash Wednesday.
Good Friday
Good Friday is the Christian commemoration of the death of Jesus Christ, observed on the Friday before Easter. Originally, it was a day of fasting in preparation for the unitive celebration of the death – resurrection - exaltation of Jesus; no liturgy was held on that day. In the 4th century, at
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Reginald H. Fuller Bibliography: Torvend, Samuel, ed., Passage to the Paschal Feast (1993)
Williams, Rowan, Resurrection: Interpreting the Easter Gospel (1994)
Ashes = popel
Bondage = otroctví, poddanství, područí
Christian = křesťanský
Commemorate = připomínat, slavit, oslavovat
Communion = přijímání, společenství, spojení, styk, kontakt
Consecrate = zasvětit, věnovat
Consist of = skládat se z
Crucifixion = ukřižování, ukřižovaný
Deliverance = osvobození, vysvobození
Derive = pocházet, čerpat, odvodit
Devote = věnovat, zasvětit, oddat se
Emphasized = zdůrazněný
Eostre = nebo-li Easter = domnělá bohyně
Exclude = vyloučit, vyřadit
Fasting = hladovění, půst
Feast = svátek, hody
Forbidden = zakázyný
Forehead = čelo
Full moon = úplněk
Goddess = bohyně
Good Friday = Velký pátek
Jewish = židovský
Lent = půst
Nisan = první měsíc církevního roku a sedmý měsíc běžného roku Hebrejského kalendáře
Pagan = pohanský
Passion = pašije
Passover = židovský svátek (ze slova “pass over” = pass without touching the first–born), beránek, oběť
Penitential = kajícný
Prayer = modlení
Preaching = kázání
Precede = předcházet
Prescribe = nařídit, stanovit, předepsat
Rather than = spíše než, raději než
Resurrection = zmrtvýchvstání, vzkříšení
Root = kořen
Sacrament = svátost, symbol, znak, mystérium
Sanctuary = svatyně, útočiště, svatostánek
Sin = hřích
Sorrow = zármutek, smutek, utrpení, starost
Thereafter = potom, poté, nato, od té doby
Unitive = spojující
Venerable Bede = Ctihodný Beda (mnich severoumbrijského kláštera)
Veneration = uctívání, úcta
Worshiper = věřící