What sort of shopper are you?

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Magazín pro ženy i muže > What sort of shopper are you?


What sort of shopper are you?

Love or hate it, we all go shopping. But there are really different types of shoppers. Do you know which kind you are? An addict shopper, reluctant shopper, careful shopper, unwilling shopper or happy shoper?...

Do you only shop for essentials and do you really go to there only when you have to? If yes, you are not an addict shopper. It means you know what you want and you probably find shopping tiring. But not all people (mainly women) manage to go to shops only for the essentials. Most of people go out for a look around the shops and when someting catches their eye, they usually buy it, although they don´t need it.

Some people hate shopping. They know what they want and they don´t want to settle for anything else than for essentials. They don´t enjoy shopping at all. They don´t spent money on theirselves regulary and they might feel guilty if they buy something. They dislike shopping for clothes and they can never find what they want. The shops are for them too noisy and they find shopping an absolute nightmare...

On the other hand, there are people who love shopping. They usually go crazy about shopping and buy what they see and they spent more than they wanted. They snap things up immediately and they have really difficulties not to go to shops if they see the sale signs! They buy things they don´t need.

May be is the best to thing first what to buy and go to shops with the fair idea of what you want. There is always something you rather can do instead of spending time in shops!


Addict – závislý, oddaný
Although – i když
At all – vůbec
Careful – opatrný, důkladný, pozorný, pečlivý, starostlivý, dbalý
Catch a person´s eye – upoutat něčí pozornost
Clothes – oblečení, oděvy
Dislike – nemít rád
Enjoy – užít se
Essentials – základní náležitosti, elementární věci
Fair idea – jasná myšlenka
Feel guilty – cítit se provinile
Find shopping – shledat nakupování
Go crazy about – být zamilovaný do, být poblázněný něčím
Go out for a look around the shops – jít ven kouknout se po obchodech
Hate – nenávidět
Have difficulties – mít potíže, nesnáze
Have to – muset
Instead of - místo něčeho
Manage to – podařit se, zvládnout
Nightmare – noční můra
On the other hand – na druhé straně, zato, naproti tomu
Rather – raději, spíše
Regulary – pravidelně
Reluctant – zdráhavý, váhavý, neochotný
Sale signs – výprodejové nápisy, nápisy upozorňující na výprodej
Settle for – spokojit se s
Snap up – lapnout, v mžiku sebrat, rychle popadnout
Spent on – utrácet za něco
Tiring – vyčerpávající, únavný
Too noisy – příliš hlučný
Unwilling – bezděčný, neochotný, váhavý, nedobrovolný, proti své vůli, vzpurný

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