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PHOBIAS! na Články, recenze, povídky, stále nové soutěže, hry, horoskopy na týden atd.
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A phobia is an irrational, persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. When the fear is beyond one's control, or if the fear is interfering with daily life, then a diagnosis under one of the anxiety disorders can be made.

And what about you, do you have any phobias – those illogical fears of perfectly ordinary things?

Many people suffer from claustrophobia. They feel uneasy in closed spaces – elevators, for example. They feel a tightening in the chest every time an elevator door closes in front of them. The palms of their hands begin to sweat, and they try to hold their breath until they arrive at their floor.

Others suffer from acrophobia, the fear of high places. Being anywhere near a vertical drop causes a panic attack. They often feel a force pulling them towards the edge. Obviously they stay away from mountain ledges, but some everyday locations can also be a problem. Imagine being forced to sit in the front of row of the balcony in a theater. If you have acrophobia, you constantly feel as if you are going to fall forward and down onto the seats beneath. Not the best way to enjoy a play, is it?

More unusual phobias include the fear of open spaces (agoraphobia), the fear of running water (hydrophobia), and the fear of spiders (arachnophobia). And, of course snakes, mice, and various insects can all cause irrational fears out of all proportion to their size.

Once ridiculed, such fears are now taken seriously by therapists, who have developed various techniques to help sufferers come to term with their fears and to eventually overcome them.

If you have any strange feelings or illogical fears, write us about them! Or what sort of fear do you regard as legitimate, and what as an irrational phobia? Looking forward to your storiesJ

Source and more details about phobias:

Anxiety = úzkost, stres, starost, strach, neklid, obava, znepokojení
Attack =
záchvat, útok
Avoid = vyhnout se
Be forced =
být přinucen
Beneath = pod,
one's control = mimo kontrolu, bez kontroly, neovladatelný, nekontrolovatelný
Chest =
Come to term =
skončit, vypršet, přestat
Constantly =
(neu)stále, pořád, nepřetržitě, trvale, každou chvíli, pořád, pravidelně
Desire = touha, přání
Disorder = porucha, zmatek, nedostatek
Drop =
pokles, strmý bod
Edge =
okraj, hrana, lem
Excessive = přehnaný, přílišný, nepřiměřený, krajní
Fall forward and down =
spadnout vpřed a dolů, převrátit se
Fear = strach, obava
Feared = obávaný
Hold breath =
zatajit/zadržet dech
Interfer = křížit se, rušit
Irrational = iracionální, nerozumný
Ledge =
výčnělek, římsa, okraj, hrana, výstupek, výběžek, skalisko, police, terasa, lišta
Obviously =
samozřejmě, janě, zřetelně
Ordinary =
obyčejný, běžný, normální, obvyklý, řádný, běžný, průměrný
Overcome =
překonat, zvítězit, vyhrát
Palm =
Persistent = neustálý, urputný, stálý, trvalý
Regard as =
považovat, mít za
Ridicule =
posmívat se, vysmívat se, zesměšňovat
Row =
Suffer from =
trpět něčím, strádat, doplatit na
Sufferer =
trpitel, poškozený, mučedník
Sweat =
potit se
Tightening =
stažený, napjatý, (u)pnutí
Towards =
směrem k
Uneasy =
znepokojený/ě, neklidný/ě, stísněný/ě
Unreasonable = bezdůvodný, nesmyslný, nepřiměřený, nerozumný

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