Good manners

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Good manners

seriál :: Language corner

Traveling, mutual meetings with foreign cultures and different ways of living, growing globalization, international firms all over the world - this all makes us learn more about international habits to prevent social faux-paux. The Americans say: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

It is pleasant to everybody to look at elegantly dressed woman that takes care of herself. Everybody likes to look attidy man, whose clothing underlines his personality. All this, combined with a tactful manners, knowledge of the rules of different societies and cultures and self-confident acting in private and business life, is the first step to success.

There are certain rules of social behavior we ought to accept without any hesitation. Modern spirit of out time is rapidly influenced by new technologies and new approach of solving the problems. In spite of that, there are still stabilized standards, that make the mutual common life easier. We may know most of the rules from our normal life.

Traveling, mutual meetings with foreign cultures and different ways of living, growing globalization, international firms all over the world - this all makes us learn more about international habits to prevent social faux-paux. The Americans say: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

In all official, and also social and private life, there are some rules that come from the Principle of hierarchy. Those rules come from tradition.

For example priority order: woman towards man, older woman/man towards younger, foreign people towards relatives, friends…

Let´s see some curiosities from the foreign countries:

In Norway, there is taboo to talk about spirits and hunting of whales.

In Denmark, it is not a good idea to talk about positive view on the EU. Business trips are not planned on July and August. Taboo are all business meetings during lunch or dinner or breaks.

The Britons are very patient. You have queue as they do, if you are in Britain. It is not common to talk about private problems on public, and it is unthinkable to talk offensively about anything. Sometimes people from continental Europe do not understand the British sense of humor.

In France the life is very liberal, so what is not prohibited…, but you should not sit in café before you have shaken hands with everyone you know.

In Portugal it is unthinkable, especially for men, to ware colorful clothes on business meetings. The Portuguese like getting gifts. They prefer small ones; they love flowers, mostly pink carnations.

In Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It is offensive.

In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking nor smoking. Also, you should not admire anything in your host’s home. They would feel that have to give it to you.

Approach = přístup
Behavior = chování
Britons = Britové
Carnations = karafiáty
Habits = zvyky
Hesitation = váhání, rozpaky
In spite of = navzdory, přes
Look at = dívat se na
Mutual = vzájemný, oboustranný
Ought to = mít povinnost
Pleasant = příjemné
Queue = čekat ve frontě
Shaken hands = potřást si rukou
Spirits = duchové
Taboo = tabu
Tactful = taktní, ohleduplný
Take care of = starat se o
Tidy = upravený
Unthinkable = nemyslitelný
Wink = mrkat

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